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来源: | 作者:admin | 发布时间: 2020-03-14 | 1009 次浏览 | 分享到:


Draft recommendation for inclusion in the Authorisation List and consultation

ECHA regularly assesses the substances from the Candidate List to decide which ones should be included in the Authorisation List as a priority. This prioritisation is primarily based on the information in the registration dossiers on uses and volumes of the substance in the scope of authorisation. Therefore, registrants are encouraged to keep their registration dossiers up to date.

Downstream users of substances are encouraged to communicate relevant information regarding their uses and conditions of use up the supply chain to ensure that registrants have sufficient information to update their registration dossiers.

All submitted recommendations can be found on the "Submitted recommendations" page.

Substances that are not recommended in a given round will be reassessed in the next rounds, along with the other substances on the Candidate List. They may be included in future recommendations.

The consultation on ECHA's draft recommendation typically runs once a year.

ECHA publishes the comments submitted at the end of the consultation. Responses to the comments are provided with the final recommendation.

During the consultation, there is also a parallel call for information by the European Commission on the possible socio-economic consequences of the inclusion of the substances in the Authorisation List.