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来源: | 作者:admin | 发布时间: 2021-12-24 | 638 次浏览 | 分享到:
近日,日本经济产业省 (METI) 对《电器和材料技术要求条例的解释》发布修订,改变电器和材料技术要求下适用的标准,以反映最新的国际技术趋势。

2021年11月1日,日本经济产业省 (METI) 对《电器和材料技术要求条例的解释》发布修订,改变电器和材料技术要求下适用的标准,以反映最新的国际技术趋势。修正案将附表12中的4项JIS标准替换为符合新版IEC标准的最新版本,涵盖爱迪生螺丝灯座、电热毯、垫子、服装等柔性电器以及电缆等产品。更改于2021年11月1日生效,并且有3 年的过渡期,以用更新版本替换已经使用的 JIS 标准。

On 1 November 2021, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued an amendment to the Interpretation of the Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Electrical Appliances and Materials.

The amendment was issued to change the standards applicable under technical requirements for electrical appliances and materials in order to reflect the latest international technology trends. Specifically, the amendment replaces 4 JIS standards in Annex 12 with the latest version which conforms to the newer version of IEC standards, covering products such as edison screw lampholders, electric blankets, pads, clothing and other flexible appliances, as well as cables.

The changes became effective on 1 November 2021, and a transitional period of 3 years will apply for replacing JIS standards already in use with a newer version.