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of 22 April 2022

references to standards for personal protective equipment in support of Regulation 2016/425 on personal protective equipment as it has effect in domestic law

1. This notice sets out proposals that:

(a)  ThereferencestothestandardslistedinAnnexItothisnoticebepublished for the purposes of Article 7A of Regulation 2016/425 in accordance with paragraph (2) below, and that the list of published standards set out in Part 2 of Annex I to notice 0046/21 be amended in accordance with Annex I to this notice.

(b)  ThereferencestostandardslistedinAnnexIItothisnotice(whichhave previously been published for the purposes of Article 7A of Regulation 2016/425), be removed from publication from the date set out in that Annex, and the list of references for removal from publication set out in Part 2 of Annex II to notice 0046/21 be amended in accordance with Annex II to this notice. Accordingly, each such standard would not be designated, or give rise to any presumption of conformity, on or after the date set out in respect of it.

2. The references to standards are proposed to be published and accordingly designated under Article 7A of Regulation 2016/425 at 00.01 on the 29th day beginning with the date of this notice, unless this notice is withdrawn or amended before that date. Any objection to the proposed publication for this purpose may be made to designatedstandards@beis.gov.uk


The list of published standards in Part 2 of Annex I to notice 0046/21 is proposed to be amended as follows:

(1) the following row 26a is inserted after row 26:

26a. EN 352-1:2020

Hearing protectors - General requirements - Part 1: Earmuffs

Restriction: This standard does not require labelling indicating the noise attenuation level on the product. Compliance with this standard therefore does not confer a presumption of conformity with point 3.5., second paragraph of Annex II to Regulation 2016/425 as it has effect in domestic law.

(2) the following row 27a is inserted after row 27:

27a. EN 352-2:2020

Hearing protectors - General requirements - Part 2: Earplugs

Restriction: This standard does not require labelling indicating the noise attenuation level on the product. Compliance with this standard therefore does not confer a presumption of conformity with point 3.5., second paragraph of Annex II to Regulation 2016/425 as it has effect in domestic law.

(3) the following row 28a is inserted after row 28:

28a. EN 352-3:2020

Hearing protectors - General requirements - Part 3: Earmuffs attached to head protection and/or face protection devices

Restriction: This standard does not require labelling indicating the noise attenuation level on the product. Compliance with this standard therefore does not confer a presumption of conformity with point 3.5., second paragraph of Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 as it has effect in domestic law.

(4) the following row 29a is inserted after row 29:

29a. EN 352-4:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 4: Level-dependent earmuffs

(5) the following row 30a is inserted after row 30:

30a. EN 352-5:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 5: Active noise reduction earmuffs

(6) the following row 31a is inserted after row 31:

31a. EN 352-6:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 6: Earmuffs with safety-related audio input

(7) the following row 32a is inserted after row 32:

32a. EN 352-7:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 7: Level-dependent earplugs

(8) the following row 33a is inserted after row 33:

33a. EN 352-8:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 8: Entertainment audio earmuffs

(9) the following rows are added:

201. EN 352-9:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 9: Earplugs with safety-related audio input

202. EN 352-10:2020

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements - Part 10: Entertainment audio earplugs